Welcome to my website!

Use the left menu to navigate. The majority of the documents here are stories of my ancestors. Presumably you're related to me if you're interested in that. But it can be quite entertaining, the tales of the roles they played in history, which I had no idea of before I got into genealogy. I imagine that further in the past, people better remembered the events that preceded them, but today we tend to only know what we're directly involved with.

Note that while I call the genealogies stories, tales, yarns, adventures, they're not fictional. For documentary proof of ancestry, refer to the Pedigrees. Click on the nameplate of a person to find a linking document to their parents. If you find anything amiss, please email me. On that note, there is plenty more to learn about the events my ancestors experienced. Please do google any subject you find of interest. You might learn that I've gotten something wrong. You could easily find new information. I find that every time I look, I find something. If you do learn new info, let me know about it and we can curate these documents.

The Gencyclopedia is a collection of articles written by me about historical subjects and how they relate to my ancestors. The DNA History document contains an analysis of my own mitochondrial DNA, what I call my Mother Line, and much more. Another is of sites to visit in America that are connected to my ancestors, with background information for guidance. There's a lot. One article is a video I made of the migratory paths of my great-great-grandparent paternal lines in America. That was an extremely labor-intensive process, and a lot of the information in it needs updating. My goal is to make a tool that is completely automated so that any group of paternal lines could by mapped easily, so long as the place and time data is available for input. I also am well-aware of the need for a mapping tool that helps to keep straight what the county boundaries were for a given year, exactly which county a particular place was inside of as the borders changed over time, an ever-present concern in genealogy. I want to automate that as well, which might have promise as a commercial product.

And say, throw a starving writer a bone by checking out my books, for sale now in paperback and Kindle on Amazon. The Kindle versions are only $2.99 each, and I frequently run discounts that last a few days. The paperbacks range from $9.99 to $14.99, depending on the number of pages (and printing cost). Tremendous bang for the buck. Click the links to the left or below to see if you might be interested in what interests me.

Eagle Boy by Steven S. Scott Enstasy by Steven S. Scott The Eutopia Experiment by Steven S. Scott

last edited 25 Sep 2022